The University of Bad Ideas

by architect Curtis Roth

»With respect to this blog’s title(Teaching Art), I’m generally sure that teaching architecture, as an art, is a bad idea. An affair weighed-down by the need to constantly imagine some kind of phantom audience for our own arcane aesthetic feuding — a century-old system of education ill-suited for preparing graduates to intelligently organize toilets in something like a real world.«
It all started with a bad idea. Somewhere outside of Venice, sometime in 2014, with a competition deadline for a curatorial concept looming and nothing but bad ideas on hand. We decided something about lemons into lemonade, or at least that awful thoughts must be a peculiar specialty of ours. A rare kind of expertise we could convert into more useful forms of capital, like, for example: a well-paying job curating an international triennial. So instead of an exhibition as-such, we proposed The University of Bad Ideas, an experimental college specializing only in those forms of intellection too weak to be entertained under the highly-policed guidelines of more sophisticated institutions.

On The Strange Promise of Bad Ideas